Create a handler

Setup an HTTPS endpoint function that:

  • Handles POST request with a JSON payload
  • Returns a successful status code (2xx)


If event delivery failed, meaning the response from your endpoint did not respond with a status code of 2XX, we will retry delivery up to 24 hours with exponential backoff.

After 24 hours, the event will be marked as failed and will not be retried.

In the case where the webhook is disabled, pending events for the webhook will be skipped. These events will also be marked as failed after 24 hours.

Sample handler

from fastapi import FastAPI, Request

app = FastAPI()"/webhook")
async def webhook(request: Request):
    event = await request.json()
    match event.type:
        case 'video.started':
            print('Video processing started')
        case 'video.completed':
            print('Video processing completed')
        case 'video.errored':
            print('Video processing errored')
    return {"success": True}

Testing your handler

Start your web server

fastapi dev

Then send a sample event via curl

curl http://localhost:8000/webhook \
  --request POST \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
  "type": "video.completed",
  "payload": {
    "id": "clx7uu86w0a5qp55yxz315r6r",
    "name": "Example Name",
    "status": "complete",
    "type": "ANIMATION",
    "created_at": "2024-10-19T05:10:19.027Z",
    "width": 512,
    "height": 960,
    "enabled": true,
    "start_seconds": 0,
    "end_seconds": 15,
    "total_frame_cost": 450,
    "fps": 30,
    "error": null,
    "downloads": [
        "url": "",
        "expires_at": "2024-10-19T05:16:19.027Z"

and verify the result in your application logic.

Next steps